李爱军「LI Aijun」


李爱军 中国社会科学院语言研究所纪委书记、副所长,中国社会科学院语言学重点实验室主任。专业方向为语音学,研究领域涉及言语韵律、一语和二语习得、语音语料库。博士毕业于日本北陆先端科技大学院大学信息科学学院,硕士和本科毕业于天津大学计算机系。《中国语音学报》主编,《中国语文》、《民族语文》、《中国科学数据》编委,智能语音技术公安部重点实验室学术委员会委员,中国语言学会副会长,O-COCOSDA常委,中国计算机学会语音对话与听觉专业组委员,国家语言文字工作委员会第三届科研规划领导小组成员,两岸语言文字交流与合作协调小组成员。-享受国务院特殊津贴,2010 年被推选为新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,入选2019年文化名家暨“四个一批”人才。

LI Aijun is a research fellow, the deputy director of the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and the head of the CASS Key Laboratory of Linguistics. She received her master’s and bachelor’s degrees from the Department of Computer Science at Tianjin University, as well as her Ph.D from the School of Human Information Science at JAIST, and. She currently serves as the vice president of the Chinese Linguistic Society, a member of the Oriental COCOSDA steering committee, a member of the Academic Committee of the Ministry of Public Security’s Key Laboratory of Intelligent Speech Technology, a member of the third research planning leadership group of the National Language and Writing Committee, and a member of the Cross-Strait Language and Writing Exchange and Cooperation Coordination Group. She is also the chief editor of the Chinese Journal of Phonetics and on the editorial boards for Studies of Chinese Language, Minority Languages of China and China Scientific Data.

Her recent research has focused on intonation typology, first and second language acquisition, and the production and perception of speech in interaction that is closely related to AI. She has directed a number of major and key projects funded by the Social Science Foundation, and has been involved in multiple projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation, the National 973 and 863 projects. She has also contributed to the development of national speech guidelines. Her representative works include Encoding and Decoding of Emotional Speech: A Cross-Cultural and Multimodal Study between Chinese and Japanese, Chinese Spoken Discourse Corpus: Construction and Annotation” and An Interdisciplinary Study of English Learners’ phonetic Acquisition in Chinese Dialect Areas. She receives special allowances from the State Council. In 2010 she was selected as a national candidate for the New Century Talents Project. In 2019 she was identified as a cultural celebrity and one of the “Four Batches” of talents. She was recognized as one of the “Ten Thousand Talents Programme” prominent figures in philosophy and social sciences nationwide in 2020.

Title/position: Professor
Laboratory of Phonetics and Speech Science
Institute of linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
5 Jian Guo Men Nei Da Jie, Beijing CHINA 100732
Phone: +86-10-6523 7408
Fax: +86-10-6512 8159
E-mail: liaj@cass.org.cn

Education and Profession
Sept. 1988-Mar.1991
Master of CS in Both Computer Science & Engineering Department and Electronic Engineer Department, TianjinUniversity.
Sept. 1984-Aug. 1988
Bachelor of CS in Computer Software, Computer Science and Engineering Department, TianjinUniversity.
Mar. 2008-Mar. 2013
PhD of School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan (Supported by JSPS)
Professional and Social Affiliation
1991-1992, Research assistant of Institute of Linguistics, CASS
1993- 2003, Research associate of Institute of Linguistics, CASS
2003- present, Professor of Institute of Linguistics, CASS
2002- 2009 Secretary of the Phonetics Association of China
2004-present, Representative of China in ORIENTIAL-COCOSDA
2006-present,Board member of the Acoustical Society of china
2006-present, Board member of the Chinese information Processing Society of China
2009-Vice President of Phonetics Association of China
2011-2014, Vice President of CSLP-SIG
2015-2018, steering Committee of CSLP-SIG

Research Fields

Speech prosody, first and second language acquisition especially on phonetic aspects, emotional and expressive speech production and perception, speech corpus collection and annotation.

Recent and ongoing research Grants Awarded

  • 基于口语语料库的语音研究及音段和韵律自动标注(01AYY002),2001-07
  • 普通话不同语调语句中韵律词的变调规律(60275015),2002-10
  • 向生理的语音产生理论与方法研究,2005-09
  • A novel method investigation on spoken language production in Man Machine interaction, (collaborated with prof. Jianhua TAO, Institute of Automation, CAS), National 863 Hi-technology project. 2006-2009. 2006AA01Z138,自然人机交互中口语产生新方法的研究。
  • A Multi-accent and Multi-language Speech Corpus and Phonetic Research, supported by Nokia Research and Development Center China, 2006-2009.
  • Early lexical development of the Mandarin Chinese infants,( in collaboration with Rushen Shi, Quebec University), Key project funded by National Social Science Foundation 2008-2011.
  • A multimodal infant language and speech acquisition corpus, Key project funded by CASS, 2009-2012.
  •  A Cross-culture study on multimodal emotion expression- perception, acoustic and articulatory analysis, ( in collaboration with Qiang FANG), funded by National Science Foundation 2010-2012, No.60975081.
  • The Early Acquisition of Speech Prosody: A comparative study of Dutch and ChineseScientific cooperation between China and the Netherlands China Exchange Programme,2011-2013.
  • 自然科学基金重点项目:“语音产生过程的神经生理建模与控制”(2013-2017),项目批准号 61233009。
  • 973高技术项目“互联网环境中文言语信息处理与深度计算的基础理论和方法”子课题“互联网环境中文言语感知与表示理论研究”,2013CB329301。
  • 国家社科基金重大项目”中国方言区英语学习者语音习得机制的跨学科研究”, 15ZDB103,2015-2020。2015-2020(首席专家)
  • 科技部国家重点研发计划-政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项中欧政府间合作项目量子信息获取检索的理论和应用研究子课题基于类量子认知理论的智能人机对话技术” (编号2017YFE0111900,2018.4-2020.3 子课题负责人)
  • 北京市重点研发计划新一代人工智能技术培育项目融合听觉信息的语言理解与智能交互关键技术研究子课题语篇语义与听觉信息特征表示体系。(编号 Z181100008918002, 2018-2019,子课题负责人)
  • 中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才自主选题项目“语调类型学研究”

Conference and Workshop Organisation

  • Tonal Aspect of Languages (TAL 2004), Beijing, 2004.
  • Summer Institute of Phonetics, 2004, CASS,Beijing
  • Summer Institute of Phonetics, 2005, CASS,Beijing
  • The 8th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC 2008) and the International Symposium on Phonetic Frontiers (ISPF2008),Beijing, 2008.
  • The workshop on infant language acquisition, CASS, Beijing, June, 2008.
  • The workshop on infant language acquisition, CASS, Beijing, June, 2010.
  • Vice chair of ICPhS 2011
  • Vice chair of Speech Prosody 2012

Editorial boards

• Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Phonetics, 2009-


Books and Chapters

  1. Li, A. (2015). Encoding and Decoding of Emotional Speech: A Cross-Cultural and Multimodal Study between Chinese and Japanese(Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics) 1st ed. 2015 Edition. Springer; (September 14, 2015). ISBN-13: 978-3662476901, ISBN-10: 3662476908.
  2. Li, A. & Yang, S. (1995). Speech Synthesis,book chapter in Digital Signal Processing of Speech, Publishing House of Electronics Industry.
  3. Li, A. & Zu, Y. (2006). Corpus Design and Annotation for Speech Synthesis and Recognition, as a chapter in Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing, edited by Chin-Hui Lee, Haizhou Li, Lin-shan Lee, Ren-Hua Wang, Qiang Huo, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore: 243-268.
  4. LI, A. et.al. (2010). 5 sections in the book Computer Processing of Asian Spoken Languages, edited by Itahashi, S. and Tseng, C. Hirakawa Kogyo Sha Co., Ltd. ISBN 978-0-935047-72-1.
  5. Li, A. (2016). Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus. in Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics (5 Volumes), Edited by Rint SYBESMA, Wolfgang BEHR, Yueguo GU, Zev HANDEL, C.-T. James HUANG and James MYERS.BRILL.
  6. 李爱军、胡方 (2019),《语音学研究70年》,载于刘丹青主编《新中国语言文字研究70年》,108-133页,北京:中国社会科学出版社。
  7. 林茂灿、李爱军、李智强. (2020) 《汉语语调与对外汉语教学研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2020.4. ISBN 978-7-5203-5997-9.
  8. 李爱军 (2021) 《汉语口语语篇库:建构与标注》. 中国社会科学出版社,2021年3月。
  9. 李爱军 (2023) 《中国方言区英语学习者语音习得的跨学科研究》, 中国社会科学出版社,2023年10月。
翻译教材 Translated textbook
  • 曹梦雪、李爱军(翻译) (2018) 《语音学:标音,产生,声学和感知》。社科出版社,2018年10月。 原书信息:Reetz, H., and Jongman, A. (2009). Phonetics: Transcription, Production, Acoustics and Perception. Wiley-Blackwell.
Keynote Talks:
  • Perspectives of Basic Research Highlighted in ICSLP’2000, in the summary session of ICSLP’2000,Beijing.
  • Chinese Prosody and Prosodic Labeling of Spontaneous Speech, the Speech Prosody 2002 Conference,Aix-en-Provence, France, 2002.
  • 李爱军,汉语普通话和地方普通话的对比研究,第六届全国语音学会议,2003年7月,天津。
  • 李爱军,走向整合的语音学,第七届全国语音学会议,2006年10月,北京。
  • 李爱军,Studies on Chinese Prosody- Professor Wu Zongji’s Thoughts on Prosody and their Far-reaching Implications, 第八届全国语音学会议,2008年4月,北京。
  • 李爱军,婴幼儿语音习得研究,第九届全国语音学会议,2010年5月,南开,天津。
  • Aijun Li,Spoken Language Resources at CASS: Challenges and New Orientation, OC2012, Macau, 2012.12.
  • 赴香港中文大学访问(“中国社会科学院学者讲座系列”),报告实验室和最新研究进展。2015年 3月17-20日。
  • 2015年3月26-29赴苏州参加“语言形式与功能国际研讨会(The 2015 International Conference on Language Form and Function”,作主题发言“Phonetic Realizations of Post-nuclear Accents under Multiple-foci Conditions in Standard Chinese”.
  • 2016年3月17-20日赴上海参加“第二届互动语言学国际研讨会”并作大会报告“自然口语交互的信息表达与韵律特征研究”。
  • 李爱军,“Tonal Target and F0 Peak Delay in Mandarin Neutral Tone Words”,第一屆漢語語言學前沿問題國際論壇,2018年6月9日,香港教育大学。
  • 李爱军,“英语元音的感知、产出与发音研究”,全国高校英语语音教学研究国际学术研讨会 暨中国高校首届语音-听觉-认知科学与二语语音教学前沿问题国际论坛,2018年2018.9.15,扬州大学。
  • 李爱军, “汉语口语对话的互动意图研究:功能与形式” ,中国计算机大会 (CNCC2018)“语音对话与听觉技术论坛”,2018年10月27日,杭州。
  • 李爱军, “基于互动语言学的对话言语行为研究:标注规范与语境韵律特征”,全国语音学会议,2018年11月10日,广州。
  • 李爱军,Context and Prosody in the Interpretation of Echo Questions in Chinese Spoken Dialogues(口语对话中的回声问:语境与韵律),中日语言学论坛,2019年6月27日 北京。
  • 李爱军,“普通话儿童语音范畴习得研究”,第15届全国人机语音通讯学术会议(NCMMSC 2019),2019年8月14-17,西宁,青海。
  • 李爱军,“Handling prosody and tone languages”, 联合国教科文组织“共享语言技术(Language Technonolgy 4ALL:LT4ALL), UNESCO,2019年12月4-6,巴黎,法国。
  • “口语对话语篇韵律研究”, 第十四届中国语音学学术会议(PCC2021). 2021年7月,兰州
  • “方言和民族语言语调研究框架与语调韵律库建设”,声调语调问题研讨会, 2021年8月,线上
  • “汉语语篇韵律与语音教学”, 哥伦比亚大学, 东亚语言与文化系. 2021年6月
  • “语篇韵律与对话言语行为:回声问的产出和感知”, 第四届互动语言学与汉语研究国际学术讨论会, 2021年4月, 首都师范大学大学,线上
  • “汉语边界调语音实现与习得”. 中国社会科学论坛(2022年,语言学):新时代语音学前沿问题国际研讨会 (2022年10月20日-22日),线上
  • “普通话儿童轻声的感知与产出研究”, 南开大学文学院日新讲堂, 2022年11月
  • “普通话儿童语句中两个连续轻声的音系与语音实现”,声调语调研讨会, 2022年11月,线上
  • “言语韵律”, 天津大学计算机系, 2022年7月,线上
  • “普通话儿童后续叠加边界调:产出与感知”. 第十五届中国语音学学术会议暨语音学前沿国际论坛(PCC2023). 2023年7月,深圳
  • “儿童语音习得与认知发展研究”. 儿童语言、语音获得与认知研讨会, 2023 年 7 月 ,深圳
  • “汉语后续叠加边界调:功能与形式”. 第五届互动语言学与汉语研究国际学术讨论会. 2023年4月西安.
  • “建设面向基础研究的高质量语音和语言数据资源中心”,第八届中国科学数据大会,2023年4月,青岛
  • “口语对话语篇韵律:互动语用功能及对语音教学的启示”. 华东师范大学汉语语音教学与习得论坛, 2023年5月,上海
  • “从语调看字调变体, 语调类型学学术研讨会”, 2023年8月,内蒙呼和浩特
  • “学龄前普通话儿童语音资源建设与语音产出发展研究”, 南疆国家通用语言文字使用调查及学习资源建设研讨会,2023年11月,新疆喀什



  1. Li, A. (1991). The development of a real-time speech recognition system based on an  advanced VQ method. MA Thesis. Tianjin University, China.
  2. Li, A. (1992). The development of a real-time, small vocabolary speech recognition system on an advanced VQ method. In Proceedings of the 4th Signal Processing National Conference, Chengdu, China: 651-654.
  3. Li, A. (1994). Duration Characteristics of stress and its synthesis roles on Standard Chinese. Report of Phonetic Research, CASS.
  4. Li, A. (1995). The development of a waveform synthesis system based on phonetic roles. Report of Phonetic Research, CASS.
  5. Cao, J. & Li, A. (1995). The study of retroflexed and neutralized syllables and their synthesis in Standard Chinese. Proceedings of the 7th National Academic Conf. on Signal Processing of Speech, Image and Communication, Xi’an: Xi’an Electrical University of Science and Technology.
  6. Li, A. (1997). Pausing in News Broadcasting in Standard Chinese. CYCA’97, Ha’erbin Engineering University Press: 262-266.
  7. Li, A. (1997). Perceptual study of intersyllabic formant transitions in synthesized V1-V2 in Standard Chinese. In Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology 4: 2143-2146.
  8. Li, A. & Zu, Y. (1997). Database design for speech synthesis and speech recognition.  In “The interface of IT computer and its progress in applications”Proceedings of the 3rd national conference of computer IT interface and its applications, eds. By Wu Quanyuan & Qian Yueliang. Publishing House of Electronics Industry: 174-178.
  9. Li, A. (1998). Durational Characteristics of the Prosodic Phrase in Standard Chinese. In the Proceedings of the Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in China. Edited by Zee, E. & Lin, M.: 65-68.
  10. Li, A. (1999). A national database design for speech synthesis and prosodic labeling of standard Chinese. In Proceedings of Oriental COCOSDA 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
  11. Li A. (1999), Acoustic analysis on prosodic phrase and the sentence stress. In Proceedings of the 4th National Modern Phonetics Conference, edited by Lv Shinan, Jingcheng Publishing House.


  1. Li, A., Zheng, F., Byrne, W., et al. (2000). CASS: “A Phonetically Transcribed Corpus of Mandarin Spontaneous”. ICSLP 2000.
  2. Li, A., Lin, M, Chen, X., et al. (2000). Speech corpus of Chinese discourse and the phonetic research. ICSLP 2000.
  3. Li, A., Chen, X., et al. (2000). The phonetic labeling on read and spontaneous discourse corpora. ICSLP 2000.
  4. Li, A., Chen, X., et al. (2000). Speech corpus collection and annotation. ISCSLP’2000.
  5. Li, A. (2000). Perspectives of Basic Research Highlighted in ICSLP 2000. In the summary session of ICSLP 2000.


  1. Li, A., Yin, Z., Wang, M., Xu, B. & Zong, C. (2001). A Spontaneous Conversation Corpus CADCC. Oriental COCOCSDA 2001, Korea.
  2. 李爱军、殷治纲、王茂林、徐波、宗成庆(2001),口语对话语音语料库CADCC 和其语音研究, 《新世纪的现代语音学》,第五届中国现代语音学学术会议论文集,清华大学出版社。


  1. 李爱军(2002), 普通话对话中韵律特征的声学表现, 《中国语文》,2002年第6期,pp. 525-535。
  2. Li, A. (2002). Chinese Prosody and Prosodic Labeling of Spontaneous Speech. In Bel, B. and Marlin, I. (eds), Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2002 Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France: 39-46.
  3. 李爱军、陈肖霞、孙国华、华武、殷治纲,CASS:一个具有语音学标注的汉语口语语音库,《当代语言学》,2002。
  4. 刘亚斌、李爱军,朗读语料与自然口语的差异分析, 《中文信息学报》, 2002年第16卷第1期, pp. 13-18。
  5. 刘亚斌、李爱军,自然口语对话中的韵律特征分析,《语音研究报告》 2002年。


  1. Li, A. (2003). Prosodic Boundary Perception in Spontaneous Speech of Standard Chinese. Proceedings of ICPHS2003.
  2. Liu, Y. & Li, A. (2003). Cues of Prosodic Boundaries in Chinese Spontaneous Speech. Proceedings of ICPHS2003, Barcelona.
  3. Li, A. & Wang, X. (2003). A Contrastive Investigation of Standard Mandarin and Accented Mandarin. Proceedings of Eurospeech2003, Geniva.
  4. 于珏,李爱军,王霞 (2003), 上海普通话与普通话卷舌元音的声学特征对比研究, 第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  5. 于珏,李爱军,王霞 (2003), 上海普通话与普通话元音系统的声学特征对比研究,第七届全国人机语音通讯学术会议。
  6. 陈娟文,李爱军,王霞(2003), 上海普通话和普通话词重音的差异, 第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  7. 陈娟文,李爱军,王霞(2003), 上海普通话与普通话双音节词连读调的差异,第七届全国人机语音通讯学术会议论文集。
  8. 刘亚斌,李爱军(2003),自然口语对话中的边界征兆,第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  9. 王海波,李爱军(2003),普通话情绪语音库的建立及听辨实验,第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  10. 方强,李爱军(2003),普通话鼻化元音的研究,第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  11. 王天庆,李爱军(2003),连续汉语语音识别语料库的设计,第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集。
  12. 李爱军,王天庆,殷治纲(2003),863语音识别语音语料库RASC863 — 四大方言普通话语音库,第七届全国人机语音通讯学术会议。
  13. 王天庆,李爱军,“连续汉语语音识别语料库的设计”, 第六届全国现代语音学学术会议,天津,2003 年 10 月。


  1. Li, A., Chen, F., Wang, H. & Wang, T. (2004). Perception on Synthesized Friendly Speech in Standard Chinese. TAL2004, Beijing.
  2. Chen, F., Li, A., Wang, H., Wang, T. & Fang, Q. (2004). Acoustic Analysis of Friendly Speech. ICASSP2004-5, Montreal, Canada.
  3. Li, A., Yu, J., Chen, J. & Wang, X.  (2004). A Contrastive Investigation of Standard Mandarin and Shanghai-Accented Mandarin. in Fujisaki, H., Funt, G., Cao, J. and Xu, Y. ed. From Traditional Phonology to Modern Speech Processing. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  4. Li, A. &Wang, H. (2004). Friendly Speech Analysis and Perception in Standard Chinese. ICSLP2004, JEJU, Korea.
  5. Li, A., Yin, Z., Wang, T., Fang, Q. & Hu, F. (2004). RASC863 – A Chinese Speech Corpus with Four Regional Accents. ICSLT-OCOCOSDA, New Delhi, India.


  1. 王天庆、李爱军(2005),基于SFC模型的韵律词音高模式研究,《声学技术》,2005年第10期。
  2. 贾媛、李爱军(2005),IViE:语调标注系统介绍,《声学技术》,2005年第24卷第3期。
  3. 李爱军(2005),友好语音的声学分析,《中国语文》,2005年第5期。
  4. Li, A., Fang, Q., Xu, R., Wang, X. & Tang, Y. (2005). A Contrastive Study between Minnan-accented Chinese and Standard Chinese. OCOCOSDA 2005.
  5. 李爱军(2005),语调研究中心理和声学等价单位, 《声学技术》2005年第24卷第3期。
  6. 徐睿渊、李爱军、方强、王霞(2005),方言语音语料库建立的问题与解决方法 —— 以厦门方言为例,《声学技术》2005年第24卷第3期。
  7. 李爱军,(2005-2007) 语音库及其标注标准, 国家标准制定。
  8. 李爱军、方强等(2005),地方普通话与标准普通话的语音对比研究 —上海、厦门、武汉普通话语音分析中期报告,内部研究报告,2005年。
  9. Wang, H., Li, A. & Fang, Q. (2005). F0 contour of Prosodic Word in Happy Speech of Mandarin. In Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, First international  conference, ACII 2005, Beijing, China, proceedings. ed.by Jianhua Tao, Tieniu Tan and Rosalind W. Picard.


  1. Li, A., Yin, Z. & Zu, Y. (2006). A Rhythmic Analysis on Chinese EFL Speech. Proc. Speech Prosody, 3rd International Conference, Dresden: TUD Press, S. 1-4. – ISBN 3- 938863-57-9.
  2. Wang, L., Li, A., & Fang, Q. (2006). Proc. Speech Prosody, 3rd International Conference, Dresden: TUD Press, 2006.
  3. Tao, J., Kang, Y. & Li, A. (2006). Prosody conversion from neutral speech to emotional speech. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 14, No. 4: 1145-1154.
  4. Li, A., Fang, Q. & Xiong, Z. (2006). Phonetic Research on Accented Chinese in Three Dialectal Regions: Shanghai, Wuhan and Xiamen. Interspeech 2006 ICSLP, Pittsburgh, USA.
  5. Li, A., Fang, Q. & Xiong, Z. (2006). Contrastive study on tonal patterns between accented and standard Chinese.ISCSLP2006, Singapore.
  6. Zu, Y., LI, A., etc. (2006). Molti-lingual TTS Speech Corpus Development.ISCSLP2006,  Singapore.
  7. Li, A., Zu, Y. & LI, Y. (2006). The Speech Rate Effects on Prosodic Features.OCOCOSDA 2006, Malaysia.
  8. Yuan, C., & Li, A. (2007). The Breath Segment in Expressive Speech. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 12, No. 1: 17-32.PDF


  1. 袁楚、李爱军(2007),汉语自然口语中非正常停顿现象初探,第九届全国人机语音通讯学术会议论文集NCMMSC2007。
  2. 殷治纲、李爱军、王霞(2007), “嗯”、“啊”类话语标记的语音学研究,《声学技术》,2007年第26卷第4期, pp.248-251。
  3. 贾媛、马秋武、李爱军(2007),普通话五字组焦点成分时长分布模式研究,《声学技术》,2007年第26卷第4期, pp. 252-256。
  4. Wang, X., Li, A. & Tao, J. (2007). An Expressive Speech Corpus of Standard Chinese.  Proceedings of OCOCOSDA 2007, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  5. 李爱军、祖漪清、李洋、孟昭鹏(2007),汉语普通话篇章语速模式初探,《声学技术》,2007年第26卷第4期, pp. 242-247。


  1. 李爱军(2008),情感重音研究,《中国语音学报》,第一期,2008,商务印书馆。
  2. 李爱军(2008),走向整合的语音学,《中国语音学报》,第一期,2008,商务印书馆。
  3. 李爱军、张利刚、李洋、孟昭鹏、王霞(2008),汉语口语对话中姿态与语音信息关系初探,《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》,2008年 第z1期, 627-634。
  4. 曹剑芬、李爱军、胡方、张利刚(2008),从“2”与“8”的语音辨识看语音学知识在识别中的应用前景,《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》2008年 第z1期。
  5. 李爱军(2008),析调论音七十年-语言学家吴宗济先生访问记,《学问有道》,2007年地方志出版社。
  6. 金健、胡伟湘、王霞、李爱军(2008),广州普通话和标准普通话声调对比研究,《中国语文研究》,26期,2008。
  7. 李晟熏,李爱军(2008),韩国学生普通话上声的实验语音学研究 – 兼谈上声的辅助特征“creaky voice”. PCC2008,2008.4北京。
  8. 王功平,李爱军(2008),留学生普通话双音节轻声音高偏误实验, PCC2008,2008.4北京。
  9. Li, A. & Zu, Y. (2008). Speaking rate effects on discourse prosody in standard Chinese. In SP-2008: 449-452.
  10. Li, A., & Zu, Y., (2008). Corpus design and annotation for speech synthesis and recognition. in Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing by Chin-hue Lee,  Haizhou Li, Lin-shan Lee, Ren-hua Wang and Qiang Huo. World Scientific Publishing Company Pte. Ltd. ISBN-10: 9812569049 | ISBN-13: 978-9812569042.
  11. Wang, X. & Li, A. (2008). Molti-accent and Molti-lingual Speech Corpus. OCOCOSDA 2008, Japan.
  12. Hu, W., Jian, J., Li, A. & Wang, X. (2008). A comparative study on disyllabic stress pattern of Mandarin and Cantonese. Interspeech 2008.
  13. Yin, Z., Li, A. & Xiong, Z. (2008). Study on “ng, a” type of discourse markers in standard Chinese. Interspeech 2008: 1683-1686.
  14. Sun, J., Lu, J., Li, A. & Jia, Y. (2008). THE PITCH ANALYSIS OF IMPERATIVE SENTENCES IN STANDARD CHINESE. ISCSLP 2008 (6th International Symposium on Chinese Language Processing), P265-268.
  15. Xia Wang, Aijun Li, Chu Yuan (2008) A Preliminary Study on Silent Pauses in Mandarin Expressive Speech. In Barbosa, P. A., Madureira, S., and Reis, C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2008 Conference. Campinas, Brazil: Editora RG/CNPq. Pp 673-676.
  16. 陈桦、李爱军(2008)创建中国英语学习者英语语音库的必要性及构想,《外语研究》2008(5):50-54。


  1. 李爱军、邵鹏飞、党建武(2009),情感表达的跨文化多模态感知研究,《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》,2009年 第S1期。
  2. Li, A. & Dang, J. (2009). A Cross-Coltural Investigation on Emotion Expression under Vocal and Facial Conflict – Also an observation on Emotional McGurk Effect. International symposium on biomechanical and physiological modeling and speech science, ASJ2009, Kanazawa, Japan: 37-50.
  3. Hu, W., Wang, X., Liu, L., Li, A. & Guo, J. (2009). A Comparative Study on Rhythm of Accented Mandarin. OCOCOSDA 2009.
  4. Ji, X., Wang, X. & Li, A. (2009). Intonation Patterns of Yes-No Questions for Chinese EFL learners. Oriental COCOSDA International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments, (IEEE Xplore, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4400-7).
  5. Wang, X., Sun, J. & Li, A. (2009). A Comparative Study on Prosody of English Negative Imperatives for Chinese EFL Learners. Proc. of OCOCOSDA 2009.
  6. Zheng, L., Li, A. & Dang, J. (2009). Vocal Acoustic and Facial Action Features in Cross-coltural Emotion Expression. ASJ 2009, Kanazawa, Japan.
  7. Dang, J., Li, A., Erickso, D., Suemitsu, A., etc. (2009). Comparison of Emotion Perception among Different Coltures.APSIPA 2009, Sapporo, Japan.
  8. Tao, J. & Li, A. (2009). Emotional Speech Generation by Using Statistic prosody Conversion Methods.In Tao, J., Tan, T. (eds), Affective Information Processing, Springer: 127-141.
  9. 纪晓丽、孙佳、李爱军、王霞(2009),多口音英语学习者口语语音库, NCMMSC 2009。
  10. Li, A. (2009). Studies on Chinese Prosody- Professor Wu Zongji’s Thoughts on Prosody and their Far-reaching Implications, in 语音研究前沿(Frontiers on Phonetics and  Speech Research ). Edited by Fant, G., Fujisaki, H. and Shen, J., Commercial Publisher.


  1. Li, A., Shi, R. & Hua, W. Prosodic Cues to Noun and Verb Categories in Infant-Directed  Mandarin Speech. Speech Prosody 2010 100088:1-4, ISBN:978-0-557-51931-6.PDF
  2. Wang, X., Li, A. & Ji, X. (2010). Perception and Production of Prominence Distribution Patterns of Chinese EFL Learners. Speech Prosody 2010, 100046:1-4, ISBN:978-0-557-51931-6.PDF
  3. Jia, Y., Li, A. & Xiong, Z. (2010). A Phonetic and Phonological Analysis of Dual and Moltiple Focuses. Speech Prosody 2010, 100052:1-4, ISBN:978-0-557-51931-6.PDF
  4. Gao, J., Shi, R. & Li, A. (2010). Categorization of Lexical Tones in Mandarin-Learning Infants. Speech prosody 2010, 100946:1-4, ISBN:978-0-557-51931-6.PDF
  5. Wang, X., Sun, J. & Li, A. (2010) Prosodic Analysis on English Mild Imperatives of Chinese EFL Learners. Speech Prosody 2010,100036:1-4, ISBN:978-0-557-51931-6.PDF
  6. Zhou, K., Li, A., Yin, Z. & Zong, C. (2010). CASIA-CASSIL: a Chinese Telephone Conversation Corpus in Real Scenarios with Molti-leveled Annotation. LREC2010.
  7. 李爱军、党建武、方强(2010),语言文化背景与多模态情感表达和感知,第九届全国语音学学术会议,2010.5,天津。
  8. 李爱军,语速与英语语句的韵律特征,《外语研究》,2010年04期。PDF
  9. Zhou, K., Li, A. & Zong, C. (2010).  Dialogue-Act Analysis with a Conversational Telephone Speech Corpus Recorded in Real Scenarios. OCOCOSDA 2010, Nepal.PDF
  10. Li, A., Fang, Q. & Dang, J. (2010). Acoustic and Articolatory Analysis on Mandarin Chinese Vowels in Emotional Speech. ISCSLP2010, Tainan: 38-43.PDF
  11. 陈桦、文秋芳、李爱军(2010)语音研究新平台:中国英语学习者语音数据库,《外语学刊》,2010(1):95-99。
  12. Li, A., (2010). Review: The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact, by Yip, V. and Matthews, S. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp.295. ISBN: 9780521836173. Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Vol. 39, No. 2.PDF


  1. Li, A., Fang, Q. & Dang, J. (2011). Emotional intonation in a tone language: experimental evidence from Chinese. ICPhS’2011, HK: 1198-1201.PDF
  2. Jia, Y., Wang, M., Zhai, H. & Li, A. (2011). Construction of Speech Corpus of AESOP-SD. International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments (Oriental COCOSDA 2011), Hsinchu, Taiwan.PDF
  3. Wang, X., Jia, Y., & Li, A. (2011). A Comparative Study on Accentuation Implementation of Chinese Efl Learners vs. American Native Speakers, International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments (Oriental COCOSDA 2011), Hsinchu, Taiwan.PDF
  4. Shao, P., Jia, Y. & Li, A. (2011). Intonation Patterns of Exclamations for Chinese EFL  Learners from Zhenjiang. International Conference on Speech Database and  Assessments (Oriental COCOSDA 2011), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  5. Jia, Y., Wang, X., and Li, A. (2011). The Influence of Shandong Dialects on the Acqusition of English Plosives. International Conference on Speech Database and Assessments (Oriental COCOSDA 2011), October 26 – October 28, 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan.PDF
  6. Gao, J., Shi, R. & Li, A. (2011). Lexical tone representation of mandarin- speaking toddlers. Proceedings of the Psycholinguistic Representation of Tone Conference, A Satellite Conference of 17th Hong Kong International Congress on Phonetic Sciences.PDF
  7. 李爱军、史如深、张钊(2011),普通话婴幼儿语言输入语言中动词和名词的韵律特征,《中国语文》,2011年第5期(总第344期)。PDF


  1. Li, A., Fang, Q. & Dang, J. (2012). Emotional Expressiveness of Successive Addition Boundary Tone in Mandarin Chinese. Speech Prosody 2012, Shanghai, Tongji University Press. pp. 591-594.PDF
  2. Li, A., Fang, Q., Jia, Y. & Dang, J. (2012). Successive Addition Boundary Tone in Chinese Disgust Intonation. NACCL24, San Francisco.PDF
  3. Li, A., Fang, Q., Jia, Y. & Dang, J., (2012). Successive Addition Boundary Tone in  Chinese Disgust Intonation. TAL 2012, Nanjing.PDF
  4. Li, A., (2012). Successive Addition Boundary Tone of Chinese Emotional Intonation: Production and Perception. The 4th International Conference on Sinology, Taipei.
  5. Li, A., Fang, Q., Jia, Y. & Dang, J. (2012). More Targets? Simolating Emotional Intonation of Mandarin with PENTA. ISCSLP 2012: 271-275.PDF
  6. Cao, M., Li, A., Fang, Q., Wei, J. & Song, C. (2012).  Acoustic and Articolatory analysis on Japanese vowels in emotional speech. ISCSLP 2012: 40-44.PDF


  1. Li, A., Cao, M., Fang, Q., Fang Hu, Dang, J. (2013). Acoustic and Articolatory analysis on Chinese and Japanese Vowels in Emotional Speech. 《中国语音学报》第四辑(Chinese Journal of Phonetic 4), pp. 125-142.PDF
  2. Li, A., Fang, Q., Jia, Y., & Dang, J. (2013). Emotional McGurk Effect? A Cross-Coltural Investigation on Emotion Expression under Vocal and Facial Conflict. In Sun, M. et al.(Eds.): Chinese Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing Based on Naturally Annotated Big Data, CCL and NLP-NABD 2013, LNAI 8202, Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 214–226.PDF
  3. Li, A., Jia, Y., Fang, Q. & Dang, J. (2013). Emotional Intonation Modeling: a Cross-Language Study on Chinese and Japanese. APSIPA 2013, Taiwan.PDF
  4. Cao, M., Li, A., Fang, Q. & Kr¨oger, B.J. (2013). Growing Self-Organizing Map Approach for Semantic Acquisition Modeling. 4th IEEE International Conference on  Cognitive Inforcommunications.PDF
  5. Yu, J. & Li, A., etc. (2013). Data-Driven 3D Visual Pronunciation of Chinese IPA for Language Learning. OCOCOSDA 2013.PDF
  6. Hou, L., Jia, Y. & Li, A. (2013). Phonetic Manifestation and Influence of Zero Anaphora in Chinese Reading Texts. INTERSPEECH 2013.PDF
  7. Wang, Y., Jia, Y. & Li, A. (2013). Research on Respiration Features of Chinese Learners during Speech under Self-narration Task—the case of learners from Korea, Japan, America and Thailand. OCOCOSDA 2013.
  8. Zhou, Y., Jia, Y., Hu, Q. & Li, A. (2013). The Effect of Accent in the Classification of Recognizing Dialog Act in Chinese. OCOCOSDA 2013.PDF
  9. 李向伟、方强、李爱军等(2013),情感语音的嗓音参数提取与分析,第十三届人机语音通讯会议(NCMMSC2013)。PDF
  10. 贾媛、李爱军、党建武(2013),汉语口语语篇结构表示体系构建,第十三届人机语音通讯会议(NCMMSC2013)。
  11. 李爱军、贾媛、柳雪飞、张良(2013),自然口语对话语境中回声问句的解码初探,Proceedings of the International Conference on Phonetics of the Languages in  China(ICPLC-2013), Edited by Lee, W., published by the Organizers of ICPLC-2013 at the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-962-442-371-6.PDF
  12. 李爱军、党建武、方强(2013),语言文化背景与多模态情感表达和感知,石锋、彭刚主编,《大江东去–王士元教授80岁贺寿文集》,香港城市大学出版社,2013. pp. 306-332. ISBN 978-962-937-220-0。PDF
  13. 邵鹏飞、贾媛、李爱军(2013),山东方言区英语学习者附加疑问句的语调特征,第十三届人机语音通讯会议(NCMMSC2013)。
  14. 党建武、刘宝林、李爱军(2013),言语链:言语生成、感知及其交互,《中国计算机学会通讯》第9卷 第9期,2013年5月,pp. 8-14。
  15. 李爱军、徐波(2013),国家语委调研报告:语言文字信息化调研:语音识别领域调研。
  16. Li, A. (2013). Successive Addition Boundary Tone of Chinese Emotional Intonation: Production and Perception, 语言资讯和语言类型(第四届国际汉学会议),郑秋豫主编,2013年11月,中央研究院。pp. 206-308。PDF


  1. 曹梦雪, 李爱军, 方强(2014)基于GSOM模型的音位范畴习得建模研究  In NCMMSC Special Session of 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language  Processing (ISCSLP2014).PDF
  2. 曹梦雪、李爱军、方强(2014)汉语普通话音位范畴习得建模研究。PCC2014,乌鲁木齐,优秀学生论文奖(优秀学生论文一等奖)。PDF
  3. Li, A., Gao, J., Jia, Y. & Wang, Y. (2014). Pitch and Duration as Cues in Perception of Neutral Tone under Different Contexts in Standard Chinese. APSIPA 2014.PDF
  4. Cao, M., Li, A., Fang, Q., Kaufmann, E. & Kröger, B.J. (2014). Interconnected growing self-organizing maps for auditory and semantic acquisition modeling. Front. Psychol. 5:236.PDF
  5. Qian, D., Jia, Y., Li, A. and Xu, L. (2014). An Experimental Comparative Study on Prosodic Features between Ningbo EFL Learners and American Native Speakers—in  the Case of Production of Yes-No Questions. ISCSLP2014.PDF
  6. Fan, S., Li, A., Gao, J. & Chen, A. (2014). A perceptual study on Chinese neutral tone and its acoustic correlates. OCOCOSDA 2014: 237-240.PDF
  7. Wang, H., Jia, Y., Li, A. & Tang, Y. (2014). Intonation patterns of yes-no questions with narrow focusing of Chinese northeastern EFL learners—A Case Study of Changchun & Dalian. OCOCOSDA 2014: 214-217.PDF
  8. Zhang, L., Jia, Y., Li, A. (2014). Analysis of Prosodic and Rhetorical Structural Influence on Pause Duration in Chinese Reading Texts. Speech Prosody 2014.PDF
  9. Zhang, L., Jia, Y. & Li, A. (2014). A Preliminary Research on Rhetorical Structural and Prosodic Features in Chinese Reading Texts. ISCSLP2014.PDF
  10. Zhang, L., Li, A., Jia, Y. (2014). A comparative study on vowel quality of neutral and normal syllables in Mandarin. OCOCOSDA 2014: 244-249.PDF
  11. Liu, X., Li, A., Jia, Y., & Zu, Y. (2014). syntactic annotation under dependency scheme on Chinese spontaneous speech. OCOCOSDA 2014: 28-33 (优秀学生论文奖).PDF
  12. Wang, Y., Jia, Y. & Li, A. (2014). The alternating relation between the speech prosody and the respiratory rhythm ——comparing the Chinese learners with the Chinese native speakers. OCOCOSDA 2014: 223-227.PDF
  13. Wang, Y., Li, A., & Jia, Y. (2014). Stress distribution based on dependency parsing of   Chinese discourse. OCOCOSDA 2014: 41-38.PDF
  14. Zhang, Z., Shi, R. & Li, A. (2014). Grammatical Categorization of Nouns and Verbs in Mandarin-Learning Infants. In Proceeding of the 38th Boston University Conference on Language Development.PDF
  15. Zhang, Z., Shi, R. & Li, A. (2014). Grammatical categories in Mandarin-Chinese-learning infants. The 2014 International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany.PDF
  16. 贾媛、李爱军、郑秋豫(2014)中国方言区英语学习者语音库构建,《中国语音学报》,第4辑。PDF


  1. Li, A. & Fan, S. (2015). Correlates of Chinese Neutral Tone perception in Different Contexts. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, Scotland.PDF
  2. Zhi, N., Li, A. & Jia, Y. (2015). The Role of L1 Production Compactness on the L2 Production Accuracy. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, Scotland.PDF
  3. 于珏、李爱军(2015),上海话对上海普通话二合元音的影响——一项基于方言语料库的语音学研究,《当代语言学》 2015年第17卷第2期 146-158页。PDF
  4. Li, A., Jun Yu, et. al. (2015). Real-Time Vivid 3D Articolatory Animation for Computer- Aided Pronunciation Training of Chinese Learners, IACL23, Korea.
  5. Liu, X. & Li, A. (2015). Intonation Stress Distribution of Chinese Spoken Dialogue under Dependency Relations, IACL23, Korea.
  6. Fan, S. & Li, A. (2015). Production of the First Syllable in Disyllabic Words with Neutral Tone. IACL23, Korea.
  7. Bai, Z., Gao, J. & Li, A. (2015). Distribution of Neutral-tone words of Putonghua-speaking Children. IACL23, Korea.
  8. Cao, M., Li, A., Fang, Q., & Kr¨oger, B.J. (2015). Phonetic-Phonological Feature Emerges by Associating Phonetic with Semantic Information—a GSOM-Based Modeling Study. InterSpeech2015, Dresden, Germany.PDF
  9. Zhi, N., Li, A. & Jia, Y. (2015). Task Repetition and the Development of L2 Oral Production. OCOCOSDA2015, Shanghai.
  10. Fan, S., Chen, A. & Li, A., The Recognition of Neutral Tone Across Acoustic Cues.OCOCOSDA2015, Shanghai.PDF
  11. Yuan, Y., Li, A., Jia, Y., Hu, J., & Surány, B. (2015). Prosodic Processing in Development Dyslexia: a Case Study in Standard Chinese. OCOCOSDA2015, Shanghai.PDF
  12. 柳雪飞、李爱军、贾媛、王亚如(2015),口语对话中疑问代词功能与句重音分布研究,第十三届全国人机语音通讯学术会议,NCMMSC2015。PDF
  13. 董一巧、贾媛、李爱军(2015),基于向心理论的汉语朗读篇章韵律特征研究,第十三届全国人机语音通讯学术会议,NCMMSC2015,天津。PDF
  14. Zhang, L., Xia, L., Hu, F. & Li, A. (2015).  A Diachronic Research on Vowel System of  XiIANGHUA. Oriental COCOSDA/CASLRE, Shanghai, China.PDF
  15. Li, J., Xia, R., Fang, Q., Li, A. Pan, J. & and Yan, H. (2015). Effect of the division between early and late reflections on intelligibility of ideal binary-masked speech. J. Acoustic. Soc. Am. 137 (5): 2801–2810.
  16. Zhang, Z., Shi, R., Li, A. (2015). Grammatical Categorization in Mandarin-Chinese-Learning Infant. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics 22(1): 104-115.
  17. 王毓钧、贾媛、李爱军(2015),语篇中生理呼吸与韵律切分的关系研究,《中国语音学报》第5辑,2015,101-109页。PDF


  1. Zhi, N., Hirst, D., Bertinetto, P.M., Li, A., Jia, Y. (2016). An analysis-by-synthesis study of Mandarin speech prosody. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016: 104-108.PDF
  2. Fan, S., Li, A., Gao, J., Chen, A. (2016). The prosodic effect of the neutral tone to the preceding tone. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016: 297-301.PDF
  3. Pang, Y., Jia, Y., Li, A., Song, D., He, R. (2016). Influence of dependency parsing on the prosody of Chinese discourse. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016: 380-384.PDF
  4. Yuan, Y., Li, A., Jia, Y., Hu, J., Surány, B. (2016). Phonetic realizations of post-nuclear  accent under dual-focus conditions in Standard Chinese. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016: 941-945.PDF
  5. Liu, X., Li, A., Jia, Y. (2016). How does prosody distinguish Wh-statement from Wh-question? A case study of Standard Chinese. Proc. Speech Prosody 2016:1076-1080.PDF
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  13. 林茂灿、李爱军(2016),英汉语调的相似性与对外汉语语调教学,《中国语音学报》2016年第7辑。北京:中国社会科学出版社,2016年12月,P1-8。PDF
  14. 曹梦雪、方强、李爱军(2016),基于GSOM模型的音位范畴习得建模,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 56 (11): 1154-1160。PDF
  15. 智娜、贾媛、李爱军(2016),第二语言语音习得的研究概述,《南开语言学刊》2016年第2期,CSSCI来源集刊2017年5月出版。


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  2. 曹梦雪、李爱军、方强(2017),婴幼儿母语音位范畴习得机制的建模研究.《中国语文》, 第3期,pp. 370-381。PDF
  3. 贾媛、王宇、李爱军、徐亮(2017)中国方言区英语学习者单元音声学特征分析——以宁波地区为例。《中国语音学报》第8辑,74-80页。PDF
  4. 李爱军(2017),普通话不同信息结构中轻声的语音特性,《当代语言学》第19卷2017年第3期,348-378页,北京。PDF
  5. Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, A., Xu, L. (2017). On the Duration of Mandarin Tones. Proc. Interspeech 2017:1407-1411. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-29.PDF
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  10. 林茂灿、李爱军(2017),语调类型学研究–英汉语调的共性和差异。NCMMSC2017, 连云港,10月。
  11. 李爱军、李智强(2017),口语对话中的语音教学与研究,《国际汉语教学研究》,2017年第4期(总第16期) No.4 2017. (Serial No. 16) P4-10。PDF


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  4. 纪晓丽、张辉、李爱军和龚箭(2018),不同水平学习者对英语语调感知的实证研究,《外语教学与研究》2018年第03期, 5月,第393-406。
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  1. Li, A. and Li, Z. (2019). Spectral Analysis of Sibilant Fricatives and the Ling Sound Test for Speakers of Chinese Dialects. ICPhS2019 (Proc. of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences), Melbourne, Australia 2019. P3026-3030.PDF
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  1. Xiaoyan Zhang, Aijun Li and Zhiqiang Li. Complex Patterns of Tonal Realization in Taifeng Chinese. ISCSLP2021, January 24-26, 2021.PDF
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  4. 纪晓丽,张辉,李爱军. 神经语言学视角下语言学热点问题研究——以《科学》杂志《语言与大脑》专刊为例. 西安外国语大学学报. 2021,29(02).P1-7.PDF
  5. Liu Yuning, Jianwu Dang, Aijun Li and Di Zhou.Semantic and Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment of Dialogues in Service Scenarios. Adjunct proceedings to the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2021.PDF
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  8. Aijun LI and Ziyu Xiong. INTO-CASS: A CORPUS FOR THE STUDY OF INTONATION AND PROSODY IN CHINESE DIALECTS AND ETHNIC LANGUAGE. 24th Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques (O-COCOSDA 2021).PDF


  1. Aijun Li, Zhiqiang Li. Prosodic realization of tonal target and F0 peak alignment in Mandarin neutral tone. Language and Linguistics, Volume 23, Issue 1, Jan 2022, p. 47 – 81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/lali.00099.li
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  1. 纪晓丽、张辉、李爱军,中国学习者语调范畴感知学习机制探究,《外语教学》2023年第44卷第1期。PDF
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  11. Zhu Yuzhu, Li Zhiqiang, Li Aijun. The Interaction of Intonation Boundary and Lexical Tones under Two Focus Conditions in the Wuzhi Dialect of Chinese – In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague 2023. P.1410-31414.PDF
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  14. Aijun LI,Yuan YE,Ziyu XIONG. INTO-CASS-HEFEI: A Speech Corpus for Intonation and Prosody Study of Hefei Chinese. O-COCOSDA 2023.PDF
  15. Xiaoyan Zhang, Aijun Li, Zhiqiang Li. Duration Properties and Contrast Preservation in Taifeng Tone Sandhi. O-COCOSDA 2023.PDF


  1. Li, A., Gao, J., Wang, Z. 2024. The Production of Successive Addition Boundary Tone in Mandarin Preschoolers. In: Jia, J., Ling, Z., Chen, X., Li, Y., Zhang, Z. (eds) Man-Machine Speech Communication. NCMMSC 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2006. Springer, Singapore.PDF https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-0601-3_12
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