- Alexis Michaud, Jacqueline Vaissière. Reflections about the phonemic analysis of Yongning Na (Tibeto-Burman): perceptual transcription and acoustic data
- CHEN Yiya. Prosodic Marking of Topic and Focus in Shanghai Chinese
- Liang Ma, Pascal Perrier, DANG Jianwu. A study of anticipatory coarticulation for French speakers and for Mandarin Chinese speakers
- Man Gao. Gestural coordination among vowel, consonant and tone gestures in Mandarin Chinese
- MOK Pik Ki Peggy. On the syllable-timing of Cantonese and Beijing Mandarin
- Peng Gongguan. A Palatographic and Linguagraphic Analysis of the Syllable-Initial Coronal Obstruents in Fuzhou Chinese
- Picus Sizhi Ding. Rhoticization as a Secondary Articulation in Stops: Evidence from Prinmi
- Wai-Sum Lee. Spectral Analysis of the Cantonese Vowels from Speakers of Different Age-and-Gender Groups
- WANG Gaowu, LU Xugang, DANG Jianwu, BAO Huaiqiao, KONG Jiangping. A Study of Mandarin Chinese Using X-ray and MRI
- GU Wentao, LEE Tan. Effects of Tone and Emphatic Focus on Speech Prosody– A Comparison between Standard Chinese and Cantonese
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- 李俭 杭州话的声调与两字组连读变调的实验研究
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- 路继伦 汉语命令句音高、时长与音系模式
- 祖丽皮亚-阿曼 维吾尔语双音节词韵律特征声学分析
- Jacqueline Vaissière. On acoustic salience of vowels and consonants predicted from articulatory models
- FANG Qiang, Satoru FUJITA, LU Xugang, DANG Jianwu. Investigation of functional relationship of the tongue muscles for model control
- Zeng Ting. On the Articulatory and Acoustic Characteristics of Syllable-initial Sibilants in Xiangxiang Chinese
- 朱晓农、洪英 潮州话中来自清爆音的内爆音
- 冯晓亮、孟子厚 普通话舌面与舌尖声母区别特征参数
- 凌锋、李葆怡 声调五度值的感知分布初探
- 王嘉龄 聚合型轻声及其优选论分析
- 熊子瑜 普通话语流中的声调音高特征分析
- SHI Rushen. Contextual Variability and Infants’ Perception of Tonal Categories
- Hosung Nam, Elliot Saltzman, Jelena Krivokapic Louis Goldstein. Modeling the durational difference of stressed vs. unstressed syllables
- LI Xiaoqing, YANG Yufang. Early Access and Integration of Meaning Indicated by Pitch Accent: a Mismatch Negativity Study
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