第2辑 2009


  1. Alexis Michaud, Jacqueline Vaissière. Reflections about the phonemic analysis of Yongning Na (Tibeto-Burman): perceptual transcription and acoustic data
  2. CHEN Yiya. Prosodic Marking of Topic and Focus in Shanghai Chinese
  3. Liang Ma, Pascal Perrier, DANG Jianwu. A study of anticipatory coarticulation for French speakers and for Mandarin Chinese speakers
  4. Man Gao. Gestural coordination among vowel, consonant and tone gestures in Mandarin Chinese
  5. MOK Pik Ki Peggy. On the syllable-timing of Cantonese and Beijing Mandarin
  6. Peng Gongguan. A Palatographic and Linguagraphic Analysis of the Syllable-Initial Coronal Obstruents in Fuzhou Chinese
  7. Picus Sizhi Ding. Rhoticization as a Secondary Articulation in Stops: Evidence from Prinmi
  8. Wai-Sum Lee. Spectral Analysis of the Cantonese Vowels from Speakers of Different Age-and-Gender Groups
  9. WANG Gaowu, LU Xugang, DANG Jianwu, BAO Huaiqiao, KONG Jiangping. A Study of Mandarin Chinese Using X-ray and MRI
  10. GU Wentao, LEE Tan. Effects of Tone and Emphatic Focus on Speech Prosody– A Comparison between Standard Chinese and Cantonese
  11. 陈虎 略论汉语感叹语调的韵律特征
  12. 李俭 杭州话的声调与两字组连读变调的实验研究
  13. 豆格才让、哈斯其木格、郑玉玲 藏语标准音浊声母的实验研究
  14. 路继伦 汉语命令句音高、时长与音系模式
  15. 祖丽皮亚-阿曼 维吾尔语双音节词韵律特征声学分析
  16. Jacqueline Vaissière. On acoustic salience of vowels and consonants predicted from articulatory models
  17. FANG Qiang, Satoru FUJITA, LU Xugang, DANG Jianwu. Investigation of functional relationship of the tongue muscles for model control
  18. Zeng Ting. On the Articulatory and Acoustic Characteristics of Syllable-initial Sibilants in Xiangxiang Chinese
  19. 朱晓农、洪英 潮州话中来自清爆音的内爆音
  20. 冯晓亮、孟子厚 普通话舌面与舌尖声母区别特征参数
  21. 凌锋、李葆怡 声调五度值的感知分布初探
  22. 王嘉龄 聚合型轻声及其优选论分析
  23. 熊子瑜 普通话语流中的声调音高特征分析
  24. SHI Rushen. Contextual Variability and Infants’ Perception of Tonal Categories
  25. Hosung Nam, Elliot Saltzman, Jelena Krivokapic Louis Goldstein. Modeling the durational difference of stressed vs. unstressed syllables
  26. LI Xiaoqing, YANG Yufang. Early Access and Integration of Meaning Indicated by Pitch Accent: a Mismatch Negativity Study
  27. 黄昭鸣、万萍 嗓音声学参数对嗓音音质影响的相关研究