张良「ZHANG Liang」




中共党员,河北承德人,1989年出生。2011年毕业于河北大学外国语学院,主修英语语言学及翻译方向,获得河北大学文学学士学位。2013年毕业于美国北卡罗来纳州立大学人文社科学院,师从Walt Wolfram教授,主修专业为社会语言学,获得文学硕士学位。毕业后归国,现就读于中国社会科学院语言研究所语言学系,师从胡建华研究员、李爱军研究员,研究方向为实验语音学以及自然口语语篇结构分析。



  • Zhang, Liang., Li, Aijun., Jia, Yuan., A Comparative Study on Vowel Quality of Neutral and Normal Syllables in Mandarin. Proceedings of O-COCOSDA, pp. 244-9, Thailand. 2014
  • Zhang, Liang., Li, Aijun., Jia, Yuan., A Preliminary Research on Rhetorical Structural and Prosodic Features in Chinese Reading Texts. 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), pp 265-9, Singapore. 2014
  • Zhang, Liang., Jia, Yuan., Li, Aijun., Analysis of Prosodic and Rhetorical Structural Influence on Pause Duration in Chinese Reading Texts. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, pp. 824-8, Dublin, 2014


  • 李爱军,贾媛,柳雪飞,张良., 自然口语对话语境中回声问句的解码初探. 原载ICPLC 中国香港, 2013.
  • Zhang, Liang., When English Met Cantonese—-A phonological and prosodic study on Hong Kong English. In proceedings of the Fifth International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics (CIEL 5), Hong Kong, 2013.


  • Zhang, Liang., Code-Switching in Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in Two Foreign-Language-Learning Forums., Third Annual Association of English Graduate Students (AEGS) Conference in the Humanities, Raleigh, NC, 2012.
  • Zhang, Liang., Transitivity as A Tool for Ideological Analysis——A critical discourse analysis of CNNi’s reports on Tibet riots , presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL 79), 2012.
  • Zhang, Liang.,She Thinks Vivian Had Fun with the Green Light—–Study on Negative Transfer of Sichuan Dialect to English Pronunciation, presented at the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL 79), 2012.
  • Zhang, Liang., A Night Light on a Light Night—–Alternation of syllable-initial /l/ and /n/ in Sichuan dialect and its transfer to English pronunciation. Third Annual Association of English Graduate Students (AEGS) Conference in the Humanities, Raleigh, NC, 2012.